
admin 北海旅游攻略 3




  • 上午:参观广西民族博物馆,了解广西壮族和其他少数民族的丰富文化。
  • 下午:漫步青秀山,欣赏壮丽的山峰和秀美的湖泊,领略南宁的自然风光。
  • 傍晚:在水街夜市品尝当地美食,感受南宁的夜市文化。



  • 上午:乘船游览漓江,欣赏桂林的标志性景观,如象鼻山和芦笛岩。
  • 下午:参观阳朔西街,体验当地古城风情和特色小吃。
  • 傍晚:在两江四湖观赏夜景,感受桂林的繁华与浪漫。



  • 上午:前往北海银滩,享受阳光、沙滩和大海的惬意时光。
  • 下午:参观北海海洋馆,探索丰富多彩的海洋生物世界。
  • 傍晚:在侨港风情街漫步,品尝海鲜美食,欣赏海滨夜景。



  • 南宁至桂林:高铁约2小时
  • 桂林至北海:高铁约1小时30分


  • 南宁:南宁万达文华酒店
  • 桂林:桂林香格里拉大酒店
  • 北海:北海阳光海岸大酒店


  • 南宁:老友粉、螺蛳粉
  • 桂林:漓江啤酒鱼、桂林米粉
  • 北海:海鲜大餐、侨港风味小吃


  • 桂林的漓江游览需提前预约。
  • 北海银滩在旺季可能会人多拥挤。
  • 建议携带遮阳帽、防晒霜和雨具。


北上广西旅游景点介绍英文 北海景点介绍英文


广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表。它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特。形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“碧莲玉笋世界”。此外,在桂东北、桂中、桂东南、桂西等地也随处可见石灰岩峰林。 广西河流众多,清澈娟秀,在地域上多与奇峰相配,形成一派山环水绕,山水相依的秀丽景色。除举世闻名的漓江外,景色优美的还有融水的贝江、资源的资江、宜山的下枧河、大新的黑水河、崇左的左江、宁明的明江等。湖泊风景多以较大的湖泊或水面为主景,湖岸的山丘、原野和农家村舍、田园风光或城市风貌等为衬景而组成。如桂林的榕湖、杉湖,南宁的南湖,柳州的龙潭,贵港的东湖,陆川的龙珠湖等。此外,广西还有不少水质优良、水面宽阔、群山环抱、湖光山色十分秀美的水库,如灵川青狮潭、百色澄碧河、富川龟石、邕宁大王滩、合浦洪湖江、玉林寒山等水库。 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the peak forest development is the perfect tropical karst landforms typical. They flat out, Marias momentum, the peculiar form. The most typical form, the scenery is beautiful Guilin, Yangshuo in the vicinity of the limestone peaks, was traveling home Xu Ming Dynasty as Yu-Sun Bilian world. In addition, in the north-eastern Guangxi, Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, Guangxi and other places of the West also can be seen everywhere limestone rivers in Guangxi, clear Juanxiu in the region with more than match Qi, Hill formed one ring around the water, beautiful scenic landscape of dependency. In addition to world-famous Lijiang River, there are beautiful water into the bay Jiang, Jiangs capital resources, Yishan of soap under the river, the Heishui He Daxin, Jiang left the Chongzuo, Ningming Ming Jiang, and so on. Scenic lake to make more use of the larger lakes or water-based King, Lake hills, fields and farm cottage, urban or rural scenery, and other features for the King and the composition of the liner. Guilin, such as the Ronghu, Sequoia Lake, Lake of Nanning, Liuzhou, the Longtan, Guigang of East Lake, Pearl Lake, and so on the Luchuan. In addition, there are a lot of good water quality in Guangxi, the broad surface of the water, mountains, Huguangshanse very beautiful reservoir, such as Lingchuan Qingshitan, Bose Chengbi River, Bucheon stone turtle, King yongning Beach, Lake Hepu Jiang, Yulin, such as Han Shan Reservoir.


Dongguan is one of the Guangdong Province Dongguan City,which known astheworkshop of the is the famous historical and cultural city in Guangdong povince,with many places of historic interest and scenic example, one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong is KeYuan has 1700 years of history and culture,is an important birthplace of South of the Five Ridges Dongguan road traffic is very can visit everywhere by Hong Kong and Macao compatriots overseas about 100 million people, about 30 million Overseas Chinese,is a famous hometown of overseas has beautiful are a variety of animal and many good as dragon boat racing Festival and so is also very suitable for like to welcome you to visit Dongguan.你广东改成广西


Guilin is located in north-east of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin is famous landscape Jiatian Xia, is a tourist destination. Is the most representative of the Lijiang River and Cheung Pei Shan. Guilin is a two thousand years of history has a culture of the ancient city. Attracted many seekers can explore this tour and left calligraphy. In recent years, tremendous changes have taken place in Guilin, not only long rapid economic development, a lot of new factories, housing, but also the transformation of cities, new and widened the road. With the rapid development of the city, Guilin is to become a world-renowned tourist destinations. Every year from all over the world and tens of thousands of people here to watch the beautiful scenery.


Guilin, also known as Bagui and Guizhou, is a world-famous scenic city and an important political, cultural and technological center in Guangxi.桂林,简称桂,别称八桂、桂州,是世界著名的风景游览城市、广西重要的政治、文化、科技中心。It is an international tourist city, a pioneer area of national tourism innovation and development, and a comprehensive transportation hub approved by the State Council.是国务院批复确定的中国对外开放国际旅游城市、全国旅游创新发展先行区和综合交通枢纽 。Guilin is a demonstration area for China to become a world-class tourist destination and the only city in the world with 30,000-year-old ancient pottery sites.桂林是中国建成世界级旅游目的地的示范区,是目前世界上唯一具有三处万年古陶遗址的城市。扩展资料桂林市位于南岭山系西南部、桂林—阳朔岩溶盆地北端中部,处在“湘桂夹道”中。地形为西部、北部及东南部高,中部较低。以中山或低中山地形为主,山峰海拔多在1000米,越城岭主峰猫儿山海拔2141.5米,称华南第一峰。平乐县海拔低至97米。山峰与盆地间的相对高差为600~1600米,坡度20°~45°。市区东西两侧为低山丘陵地形,海拔标高300~600米,相对高差200~300米;南北两端为低缓的丘陵。岗垄丘地形,海拔标高160~200米,相对高差10~20米,中部为典型的岩溶地貌,峰奇水美,呈现为岩溶峰林及地势开阔平坦的孤峰平原和河谷阶地,地面海拔标高150~160米,峰顶标高200~300米。参考资料来源:网络百科-桂林


一、桂林七星公园景区In January 1998, Guilin Seven Star Park was under the management of Guilin Tourism Development Corporation. In 2004, Guilin Seven Star Park was renamed Guilin Seven Star scenic management organization of the scenic spot is Guilin Seven Star scenic spot management seven star (rock) scenic spot is located on the East Bank of Lijiang River in the center of Guilin, covering an area of 137.4 hectares. It is named because the seven peaks are just like the Big Dipper seven stars hanging in the brings together Guilins leisure (green mountains, beautiful waters, strange caves and beautiful rocks), romance and is the coordinate of Guilins cultural landscape, the scenic spot recommended by the world tourism organization, and the national key scenic spot The first batch of 4A scenic spots in China.翻译:1998年1月,桂林七星公园划归桂林旅游发展总公司管理,2004年“桂林七星公园”更名为“桂林七星景区”。景区的管理机构为桂林市七星景区管理处。桂林七星(岩)景区位于桂林市中心漓江东岸,占地137.4公顷,因七座山峰的分列恰如苍穹高悬的北斗七星而得名,汇聚了桂林的“休闲(山青、水秀、洞奇、石美)、浪漫、激情”,是桂林文化山水的坐标、世界旅游组织推荐景区、国家重点名胜风景区、中国首批4A级景区。二、象鼻山公园Xiangbi mountain park is located at the confluence of Lijiang River and Taohua River in the center of Guilin, Guangxi, covering an area of 11.88 natural landscape and cultural landscape in the park complement each other, and mountains, water, caves, islands, pavilions, platforms, paths, cultural relics and historic sites complement each other into paintings, which are beautiful and fascinating.翻译象鼻山公园地处广西桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,占地面积11.88公顷,园内自然山水与人文景观交相辉映,山、水、洞、岛、亭、台、坪、径、文物、古迹相映成画,美不胜收,令人心驰神往。


象鼻山(Elephant Trunk Hill),大圩古镇(Daxu Old Town),东西巷(East West Street),芦笛岩(Reed Flute Cave),靖江王城(Princess Jingjiang Residence)。1、象鼻山象鼻山(Elephant Trunk Hill),原名漓山,位于广西区桂林市内桃花江与漓江汇流处,山因酷似一只站在江边伸鼻豪饮漓江甘泉的巨象而得名,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。象鼻山以神奇著称。其神奇,首先是形神毕似,其次是在鼻腿之间造就一轮临水明月,构成“象山水月”奇景。因此,象鼻山是桂林的城徽山,是桂林旅游的标志山,它坐落在桂林市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,形似一头巨象,象鼻和象腿之间是面积约一百五十平米的圆洞,江水穿洞而过,如明月浮水。坐落西岸的象山水月与漓江东岸的穿月岩相对,一挂于天,一浮于水,形成“漓江双月”的奇特景观。2、大圩古镇大圩古镇(Daxu Old Town),是广西古代“四大圩镇”之一。大圩古镇始建于公元200年。古老的大圩老街顺着漓江绵延2公里长,不宽的街道上铺着青石板,石板路两边是保存完好的老房子。大圩古镇在漓江东岸,父子岩东南,磨盘山北,距桂林23公里水程。史载,古镇始建于北宋初年,中兴于明清,鼎盛于民国时期,距今已有千年历史,远在600年前,大圩以其“大”,成为广西四大圩镇之最。3、东西巷东西巷(East West Street),位于靖江王城正阳门前,分别又称“正阳东巷”“正阳西巷”,是桂林明清时代遗留下的唯一的一片历史街巷,空间尺度宜人,是桂林古历史风貌的观景区;包含了正阳街东巷、江南巷、兰井巷等桂林传统街巷。也是桂林古历史风貌的观景区,体现了桂林的历史文脉。东西巷为桂林历史文化街区,见证了桂林城自唐代武德年间建城后近1400年的历史兴衰。东西巷早在明清时期就盛极一时,鼎盛时还有“青龙白虎”宝地之美誉。至今是“桂林国际旅游胜地”的城市地标之作。4、靖江王城靖江王城(Princess Jingjiang Residence),坐落于广西壮族自治区桂林市漓江西岸,是明朝藩王靖江王朱守谦的藩王府,始建于洪武五年(公元1372年)洪武二十五(公元1392年)年建成,靖江王城外围有国内保存最完好的明代城墙。由于靖江王城地处桂林市城市中心地区,因而有“阅尽王城知桂林”之说。5、芦笛岩芦笛岩(Reed Flute Cave),位于桂林市西北郊,距市中心 5 公里,是一个以游览岩洞为主、观赏山水田园风光为辅的风景名胜区。芦笛岩洞深 240 米,游程 500 米。洞内有大量绮丽多姿、玲珑剔透的石笋、石乳、石柱、石幔、石花,琳琅满目,组成了狮岭朝霞、红罗宝帐、盘龙宝塔、原始森林、水晶宫、花果山等景观,令游客目不暇接,如同仙境,被誉为 “ 大自然的艺术之宫 ” 。参考资料来源:网络百科——靖江王城参考资料来源:网络百科——芦笛岩参考资料来源:网络百科——东西巷参考资料来源:网络百科——大圩古镇参考资料来源:网络百科——象鼻山


资源五排河漂流、宜州下枧河景区、容县都峤山风景区 、钦州三娘湾旅游区、钦州八寨沟风景区、南宁青秀山风景区、南宁大明山景区、龙胜龙脊梯田、柳州鱼峰公园、柳州融水元宝山、柳州都乐岩风景区、柳州大龙潭风景区、荔浦银子岩、乐业大石围天坑群旅游区、靖西通灵大峡谷、靖西古龙山峡谷群、金秀大瑶山风景区、贺州姑婆山国家森林公园、桂平西山风景区、桂平龙潭国家森林公园、桂林世外桃源、桂林龙胜温泉、桂林两江四湖景区、桂林象鼻山、阳朔西街、桂林乐满地度假世界、桂林漓江风景区、桂林古东瀑布景区、京岛旅游度假区——巫头白鹤山、防城港江山半岛旅游度假区、崇左白头叶猴生态公园、岑溪白霜涧漂流、北流勾漏洞风景区、北海涠洲岛、北海银滩、德天瀑布旅游区、武宣县百崖大峡谷风景区、梧州鸳江春泛、防城港那良古镇九龙潭和野人谷风景区、防城港那良古镇牙山风景区和五指山风景区。






标签: 南宁 纵横桂西壮乡 桂林 北海三日两夜完美旅行计划

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